Enter search terms separated by commas:
Map Options: Normalize using PMI Show words Show colors

Enter a comma separated list of terms to be compared and hit search. The term in the list that is most popular in each state will be displayed. Mousing over an individual state will show the counts for all of the terms in the list.

Sometimes a term (such as "chicken") will be popular everywhere and dominate the map. Check "Normalize using PMI" to adjust for this: the term with the highest pointwise mutual information in each state will be displayed.

If the display colors box is checked, the states are also colored to match other states with the same term. There are also check boxes to display words and colors (both are on by default).

The tweets used to obtain these lists are those which can be determined to be inside a particular state in the U.S. (about 10% of all tweets collected). See the full paper for details.